
Friday, 21 February 2020

Take Me Cinta 💕💕

Assalammualaikum Dunia.

Alhamdulillah... Cerita Jumaat lagi nie🌹🌹
Hari ini 21 February 2020...semalam tarikh nyer cantik... 20.02.2020...ramai orang buat majlis nikah lol💕💕

Antara seleberiti yang popular yang melangsungkan majlis pernikahan semalam adalah
 💕Aiman & Zahirah, Emma Maembong & Shazli, cucu kepada perdana menteri Malaysia, anakanda Mukriz iaitu Ally Mukriz&Ezran💕

💕Emma Maembong & Shazli💕

Okew.. Cikbunga tahu... this month February 🌹🌹... Also my born month😘😘

To all pengantin baru... Semua nya selamat yaaa...

Aiman & Zahirah Mcwilson... Niemasa pre wedding photo 📸

💕Aiman & Zahirah💕

💕Ally Mukriz & Ezran 💕

💕Nie masa majlis pertunangan ;) 💕

Gambau kahwin lum publish lagi kat public ... dalam ig jew...itu pon ig story ;) 

Okew... Japp... Cikbunga nak carik gambau kat google😀😀

P/s: semua gambau ambik kat google 📸📸


  1. suka tengok Zahirah dengan aiman..

  2. Tak nampak gambar Zahirah dan Aiman Hakim kat suratkhabar.

    1. hari nie kot published kat paper ... tungguuuu ;)

  3. date cantik sbb tu ramai berebut nk kawen wpn jatuh hari khamis ;-)

  4. If you're attempting to lose weight then you have to jump on this totally brand new personalized keto meal plan.

    To create this service, certified nutritionists, fitness trainers, and cooks joined together to provide keto meal plans that are productive, painless, economically-efficient, and delicious.

    From their grand opening in January 2019, thousands of clients have already remodeled their body and health with the benefits a great keto meal plan can offer.

    Speaking of benefits: in this link, you'll discover 8 scientifically-tested ones offered by the keto meal plan.

  5. If you're trying hard to lose pounds then you need to try this brand new personalized keto meal plan diet.

    To create this keto diet service, licensed nutritionists, fitness trainers, and chefs have joined together to develop keto meal plans that are useful, decent, price-efficient, and satisfying.

    From their grand opening in 2019, hundreds of individuals have already transformed their body and well-being with the benefits a smart keto meal plan diet can give.

    Speaking of benefits: clicking this link, you'll discover eight scientifically-certified ones offered by the keto meal plan diet.

  6. aiman n zahirah kite tahuuu ahahha.. yang lain2 tu kemudian sikit. hehehe cantik sangat zahirah =D
