Friday 20 March 2015

You're invited to #Nuffnang8irthday!

Bismillah dan salam Jumaat ;)

Hari yang indah dan permai ...

Hari tue cikbunga ade wat entry pasal ni It’s Nuffnang’s 8th Birthday!

so dah dapat ;) but honestly cikbunga tak dapat pergi .. so sorry Nuffnang ..;(

 Congratulations! You’ve been invited to join us at #Nuffnang8irthday!!                       

 You're invited to #Nuffnang8irthday!

Hi there, 
You are cordially invited to #Nuffnang8irthday!

Here are the details:
Date: 21st March 2015 (Saturday)
Time: 10AM - 2PM
Venue: Main Room, Zouk Club KL
p/s: korang yang pergi tu please pass my regards and wishes to Nuffnang "Happy Birthday"



  1. mesti meriah kan sambutannya..

  2. Venue dekat Zouk Club. Siap ada penaja dia Heineken. Hm. Tu yang berat ati tu T_T

  3. Bersangka baik je..maybe ramai malay bloggers yg x pi...
